Art has been a staple of the DTL experience – regardless of art experience, we use different forms of art to explore ourselves, our mental health, and the mental health system. Over the years at DTL, we have had Art Harvesters who have helped curate and reflect back our experiences. Through this page, you will discover community poems, meditations, and music!
View Our Poetry


Poetry has been an important part of Disable the Label, we have had Artists-in-Residence also known as Art Harvesters at DTL who help us capture our experience through words. Explore some of our poetry from Disable the Label through the years.


For meditations created at Disable the Label we encourage you to find a comfortable space where you won’t be interrupted, close your eyes and listen with headphones.

View Our Meditations
View Our Meditations


For meditations created at Disable the Label we encourage you to find a comfortable space where you won’t be interrupted, close your eyes and listen with headphones.

View Our Anti-Racism Art

Anti-Racism Art Navigations

At Disable the Label 2020 we explored racism and how that impacts us individually, our advocacy work and the mental health system. Here you will find Art Navigations that will help you explore and understand racism in Canada. We encourage you to set up a comfortable space where you won’t be interrupted, close your eyes, and listen with headphones on. Afterwards, take some time to reflect and what you heard and experienced – what’s coming up for you? What was an insight or an ah-ha moment while listening? How do you plan on continuing your learning journey?


Music is another way we explore and express ourselves at DTL. Check out our song from DTL 2017, Way Home. Performed by lighthaüs, Shen God & Ayrah Taerb



Music is another way we explore and express ourselves at DTL. Check out our song from DTL 2017, Way Home. Performed by


Art Harvesting was brought to DTL in 2014 by a Toronto-based grassroots organization called Spoke N Heard. Thank you to all of our artists-in-residence who created artistic reflections inspired by our conversations and activities at DTL. A special thank you to Duane Hall (lighthaüs) and Devonna Munroe (Devynne) for creating magic and helping shape this role into what it is today.  


2305 - 180 Dundas Street West
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5G 1Z8